Mid-Life Unfolds

Life Unfolds - Dedicated to "Attracting What's Next in Mid-Life and Beyond!" Have you reached mid-life or beyond and are you wondering what is next? Life Unfolds provides business and personal coaching and training to help you thrive while answering the what nexts. We specialize in helping mid-lifers achieve their dreams, change careers, retire happily and to thrive through transitions. More information can be found at http://www.lifeunfolds.com.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Three High Power Tips to Live In Attraction

It’s what we all want, isn’t it? To have an abundant and joyful life: abundant love and friendship, abundant finances, abundant creativity in our choice of lifestyle and career. So what’s the secret to having this wonderful overflowing abundance we all yearn for? To have abundance, you must be abundance. The best way to be abundant is to live it…think it, feel it and model it. Here are three tips for living an abundant life right now.

1. What language do you use? Every day we talk our way through our lives. We discuss, negotiate, teach, share and tell stories. These are a way of making our mark on the world and letting others know whom we are. Are you telling a story of lack, of greed, or poverty or one of riches and abundance, no matter what the topic? Words and phrases like “need”, “wish”, “if only”, “when I have ____, then”, etc. only put out lack-ful energy into the world. And what you get back is more lack and poverty. Instead notice all that you do have and gratefully acknowledge it. Change your words to those that state your true purpose and positive intentions using words like “I have..”, “I choose..”, and “I intend..” Stay in attraction with the language you use.

2. Who are you hanging out with? Our relationships are the gold in our lives. Or the lead (think toxic)! Our friendships, family, co-workers and love relationships are mirrors of our inner being. If we are in conflict, constantly criticized or around negative energy for much of our days, we can’t help but absorb some of it and then pass it on. As you change to a more positive, attractive outlook, many of these relationships will either change or fall away. That is natural and desirable (even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it). But you can also choose to reduce or eliminate your exposure to toxic relationships right now. Make the choice for abundance and find joyful, supportive, positive people to hang out with.

3. How do you start your day? Does your day start with a clanging alarm clock, cups of coffee, bad news from the TV, and a struggle just to get started? No wonder we’re not attracting what we desire! The easiest way to change your daily life into one of positive attraction and abundance is to change the way you start the day. Wake up earlier if you must to allot some time to meditating, journaling or stretching, or whatever your body and spirit call for. This is a time to set your intentions for abundance for the day, to ease into the day with gratitude and joy; not to plunge forward in a busy, already stressed out attitude. Start small and see if you can make a change tomorrow to improve the way you feel first thing in the morning. Notice what a huge difference it makes in staying with your positive thoughts and emotions, which are, of course, the real secret to staying attractive.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006


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