Solo Camping Trip

This first pic is from Palo Duro Canyon in Texas. I drove from Houston to there on my first day out. Long day, but worth the view.
And the second is my campsite in Hyde Memorial State Park just a few miles outside Santa Fe, NM. I stayed in this park for three days. Once I reached NM, it rained every day. But it was still cool and really beautiful. My camp site was next to a small creek and I could hear the water over the rocks along with the wind moving through the tall evergreens. It was exactly what I was seeking, some place to get refreshed and invigorated again.
I also visited Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Jemez Springs, Chimayo, and Taos in NM. Drove home through the Texas hill country.

All blog content is copyrighted, all rights reserved, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds, 2006
For the people who can't fathom enjoying some time alone ... doesn't everyone want a taste of that now and again?
To Love, Honor and Dismay
We all probably have different tolerances for being alone. From being a loner or recluse to basically never being alone. Many mask being alone (and feelings of fear or loneliness) by watching tv or having a lot of noise going on or even by having pets. And going on a trip, especially camping, where one is alone maybe 90% of the time is definitely more than a "taste". I think the folks who are shocked that one would want to travel alone have never done it themselves and may not be used to having a lot of alone time. The trick for all is finding a comfortable balance of being with people and being alone.
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