Mid-Life Unfolds

Life Unfolds - Dedicated to "Attracting What's Next in Mid-Life and Beyond!" Have you reached mid-life or beyond and are you wondering what is next? Life Unfolds provides business and personal coaching and training to help you thrive while answering the what nexts. We specialize in helping mid-lifers achieve their dreams, change careers, retire happily and to thrive through transitions. More information can be found at http://www.lifeunfolds.com.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Attracting Abundance

I have found that your attitude, a combination of thoughts and emotions, can directly lead to more abundance and prosperity in your life. One of the easiest ways to see this in your own life is with money. If you think you don't have enough money, you feel anxious, disappointed, even fearful. Your body will be tense, energy will stop flowing, your life moves in fits and starts, instead of freely and with ease. But start to think and feel that you have everything you need, that money flows easily to you, that you have enough, and your body relaxes, your life moves more smoothly and you'll generally be happier. So how do you make this change when you "really don't have enough money"? The attitude comes BEFORE the change, not the other way around. For example, you think I'll be happy when I have more money (or when I'm rich). But the truth is that when you are happy, you'll have more money (or be rich). This is a huge difference!

So here are some ways to jumpstart your positive attitude around money to get that positive flow going your way!

1. Post a $20 or $100 bill (whatever you can easily do right now) near where you work or even on your bathroom mirror. Leave money around your house where you can easily see it. Keep bills on the refrigerator, by the phone(s), on your closet door. Keep at least $20 in your wallet at all times. The idea here is to see that you already have money, plenty of it. You have money laying around your house and you see it all the time. Seeing it is believing it. When you see it, your reaction will be "I have money" or "There's money everywhere!" or "It feels great to have money." Move it around to keep it fresh. I keep a fake $1,000,000 bill in my wallet and every time I open my wallet, I say to myself, "I have plenty of money." And, I do! Leaving money around will help you to see that, first, it is only money, and second that it is easy to have it around you, and third, that you have plenty.

2. Appreciate the money you receive. When my hairdresser receives a tip, he kisses the money and says a short prayer of gratitude, every time. When you find a penny or a dime on the ground, do you pick it up? Or do you feel a rush of excitement for the money that is coming your way? Hint: choose the excitement and pick it up! If you pass it by, your message is you don't want money. Every bit of money that flows into your life must be noticed and appreciated. This is a surefire way to generate an increased flow of money to you.

3. Have your money send you a message. Take the largest bill you can afford ($20 or $50 or $100) and write a message to yourself on it. Post it near your desk or on the bathroom mirror or in your car, wherever you can see the message often. Here are some things you might write: "I love Mary Anne", "Money flows to me always", "I see money and it's only money", "I'm on my way to you right now", "I flow easily to Mary Anne", "Money comes easily to Mary Anne always", etc. Well, you get the idea. Pick the phrase that makes you feel buzzed or lighter. Write several. And yes, you can still spend the money when you desire. It doesn't damage the bills.

4. Write yourself a check from the Universe (or God). Take a check out of your checkbook or make one on your computer. Write a large check to yourself from "The Universe". Date it in the future, using a date you feel comfortable using. For example, if your check is for $10,000, do you feel comfortable using a date next week, next month, six months from now or a year from now? It needs to be plausible to you. This is not imaginary, you're putting in your order! Carry the check in your wallet and carry it with you. When you see it, just think, I get to cash this check soon.

I hope you find these ideas exciting and will give them a try. After all, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Leave me a comment with your results.



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