Mid-Life Unfolds

Life Unfolds - Dedicated to "Attracting What's Next in Mid-Life and Beyond!" Have you reached mid-life or beyond and are you wondering what is next? Life Unfolds provides business and personal coaching and training to help you thrive while answering the what nexts. We specialize in helping mid-lifers achieve their dreams, change careers, retire happily and to thrive through transitions. More information can be found at http://www.lifeunfolds.com.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Can You Retire Early?

Here's a few websites about retiring early that you might find useful and interesting.

(written by a couple who retired at age 38 with $500k and live on 24k a year, traveling around the world, with a home base in Arizona, very inspiring and practical)

(has great financial calculators and early retirement forums)

(everything early retirement!, forums, calculators, white papers, reports, etc.)

(research topics for financial management)

raddr-pages.com/forums (early retirees forum)

(all about simple living including Your Money or Your Life, a program to get you to financial independence)


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