Relish Discomfort
And, no I'm not talking about pickles!
Discomfort is a sure sign that we are stretching ourselves. That uneasiness, that queasiness, is proof that we are stepping outside our boxes, that we are trying on something new and discovering new facets of ourselves. This is the stuff life is made of!
It's funny how humans are conditioned to desire comfort and sameness. We get to a place and we stop. We think, this isn't so bad, I think I'll stay here. Of course, the world is constantly changing and so are our lives. Most of our unhappiness centers around trying to keep things the same. We become very attached to our lives, just the way it is, thank you very much.
Sameness leads to dullness. Sameness is the opposite of growth, of insight. Sameness is not something to cling to. Sameness is not something to be desired, although we all do it.
As we take on new tasks, new jobs, new areas of growth, we often feel discomfort. We may question what we are doing, why we are doing it. We may feel fear or anxiety. But that is the necessary step that comes with true growth, with real expansion of self. Each stretch we go through expands our lives and the richness of our experience.
Excitement is often masked as discomfort, maybe an uneasy stomach or tension in the chest. Breathe into it and let it be.
Is there some area of growth or expansion you are avoiding? Is there something that keeps coming up for you to try, but you find a million reasons why you can't or won't? Life is change, whether you desire it or not. So stretch yourself. Give in to your higher desire to be more and to express your talents in this world in new ways.
Labels: bad times, discomfort, dullness, excitement, insight, passion, resistance, stretching
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