Wishing you Freedom and Happiness

I'm going to celebrate today by being truly appreciative of all the freedoms I enjoy, something I don't give much thought to otherwise. Freedom in the US is much like water to fish, you just don't notice it until it's gone.
I deeply and truly appreciate....
Being free to move anywhere I want, whenever I want. I can move to California or New York, Mexico or Canada, to a Caribbean island or to Europe.
Being free to freely access information all over the world via satellite television, local stations, the Internet and telephones.
Being free to choose my own relationships, to love whomever I will, and to marry as I will or not.
Being free to walk out in public without hiding myself, my body, my femininity and without a male presence.
Being free to camp, hike and kayak by myself whenever I want
Being free to practice my own philosophy or religion in my own way without repercussions and with tolerance from my friends, family and neighbors, to say nothing of the government
Being free to have children or not have children as I wish
Being free to send my children to public or private schools or even to teach them at home
Being free to speak out publicly, to write editorials, to write blogs, to produce videos, to publish a newsletter saying whatever I wish whenever I wish without censorship
Being free to support my own causes with my energy, time, and money all over the world even when unpopular or in a minority
Being free to drive myself or to take public transportation wherever I want in relative safety
Being free to ride my bicycle at midnight if I wish without curfews
Being free to move about my city, state and country without restrictions whenever and wherever I wish...ah, sweet travel!
Being free to choose my own career, to be recognized in my field as a professional, to be paid what my services are worth, to change careers as I wish or to stay home if that is my desire
Being free to vote (or not vote) for my governing leaders and to vote as my head and heart dictate
Being free to change direction in my life whenever I feel the need
Being free to dress fashionably, unfashionably, to set new trends or to defy trends without repercussions
Being free to make as much money as my ability, my education and my desire will allow
Being free to make mistakes, fail and to learn
Being free to read books and magazines of my choice, no matter the content
Being free to affiliate with whomever I wish and to join clubs and organizations
Having choices in my life due to the incredible abundance in which I live
And finally, for today, knowing that freedom can be lost and is worth investing our time and energy for both here and around the world.
Highest joy and deepest peace to all of you!
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