Achieve through Receiving

In aiming your thoughts and emotions toward your goals, that is, by using the law of attraction, one area often trips us up. Receiving or allowing. The steps to working with the law of attraction are:
- Clearly know what you want.
- Use your thoughts and emotions to positively and clearly make it real in your mind.
- Be grateful for all that you already have, especially in line with what you desire.
- Think, feel and act as if you already had what you desire.
- Let go and allow the Universe to work on your behalf, let go of the how.
- Watch for clues from the Universe or God that will let you know what actions to take.
- Take the actions.
- As what you desire starts to show up in your life, receive it, allow it.
- Be grateful for each and every thing that shows up as you desire.
Many of us are able to clearly see what we desire, are able to stay positive and visualize, but than stumble when it comes to receiving. I have a personal story to illustrate this. A friend of mine keeps a dream binder in which she has pictures of all the things she wants, some material, some intangible. In this book, she had a picture of a gorgeous Rolex watch. I was in a class where the leader, my friend and fellow coach, held up her arm. On it was a beautiful Rolex watch. She asked the group, "Want to know how I got my watch?" We all nodded and said yes. She went on to say, "A friend called me up and said that she was getting too fat to wear her watch and wanted to know if I wanted it. I said yes!" We all looked surprised. She then asked "which of you would have accepted the watch, this free gift of the Universe?" We all said we would have said no to the gift. Some would have felt guilt, or felt there were strings, or felt they couldn't wear such a nice watch, all sorts of reasons. Talk about not receiving!
Of course, it's obvious when you think about it, it won't matter how good you are at affirmations, at thinking and feeling positively, at visualizing and journaling about your desires or at taking informed actions as provided to you by the Universe, if you cannot receive what is given. No where in the law of attraction does it say you get to pick how your desire will show up. No where does it say, it will come to you in a way you can accept and expect. We do not get to choose the how, we only need to watch and say yes. We receive and allow, easy with the flow of good coming to us, no matter its form.
Practice today saying yes when offered something. A cup of coffee, a ride to work, help with something. Say yes and receive.
If you have a story to share about receiving, please leave a comment.
All contect copyrighted, 2007, Mary Anne Fields and Life Unfolds. All rights reserved.
Labels: achievement, feelings, gratitude, law of attraction, negative thoughts, receiving
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